What are the advantages of having an auto insurance plan in Idaho?

Living in the Idaho Falls, ID area presents individuals with various important decisions to make, and among them is the choice of whether to invest in auto insurance. Even if you consider yourself a safe driver, having an auto insurance plan in place can offer numerous advantages that make it a good option.

Protection for your Vehicle and Financial Assets

One of the primary advantages of having auto insurance in Idaho is the protection it offers for your assets and finances. In the event of an accident, whether it’s a minor or a more serious collision, the costs of vehicle repairs, medical expenses, and legal fees can quickly add up. Fortunately, if you have a full collision and comprehensive plan, you will receive financial support so you can cover liability costs and repair your car.

Comply with Auto Insurance Requirements in the State

You also will want to have auto insurance in Idaho to comply with all legal requirements. When driving a car here, you are obligated to carry a certain level of liability coverage. If you do cause an accident, this ensures you have financial support to cover any related damages. If you carry this insurance, you will remain in good standing with the law and avoid penalization.

You always want to ensure you have the proper insurance in the Idaho Falls, ID area. If you want to get this auto insurance here, you can get the support you need by calling our team with Insure It All. Our professionals with Insure It All know the value of this coverage and will ensure you have all of your questions answered to help you select the right plan and policy for your situation. 

What Are Idaho State Requirements for Auto Insurance?

If you own a car and live in Idaho Falls, ID, you are legally required to insure your vehicle. Idaho has clear requirements, and if you drive a car without meeting them, you could be subject to hefty fines.

We here at Insure It All want to help, so here’s a quick breakdown of the state rules for auto insurance.


If you are responsible for property damage via your motor vehicle, you will likely be held liable to pay for those damages. As these kinds of injuries can quickly run in the 10s of thousands of dollars, the state of Idaho requires a minimum amount of property damage liability coverage.

According to the state, the minimum you can have in your policy is $15,000 for property damage coverage. That is, your insurance policy will require the insurance company to cover up to this amount of damage.

Personal Injury

If someone is hurt via your motor vehicle, then a different kind of liability coverage comes into play. This coverage can help with medical bills, lost income, and other financial hardships related to your accident.

The minimums for Idaho Falls, ID, are $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.

Keep in mind a couple of things about these minima. First, they don’t directly protect you or your vehicle at all. These liability requirements only cover people and property you might harm or damage.

Second, these limits determine how much your insurance provider must pay according to your policy. It’s entirely possible that you could be held liable for money beyond this coverage. In that case, you’re on your own.

Because of that, many people opt for more comprehensive insurance policies that protect themselves, their vehicles, and their liability risks beyond minimum state requirements. If you want to explore all of your options, talk to your Insure It All representative.

Do I Need More Insurance if I Make Deliveries With My Car?

If you drive your car to make money, you may have concerns about your insurance coverage. Most people don’t go their vehicles for a living, making coverage terms a little trickier to navigate. Insure It All presents this article for all Idaho Falls, ID personal delivery drivers.

Delivery Contractors Are Different From Employees

Delivery contractors are covered by a different set of insurance requirements than employees. In the eyes of the law, self-employed individuals are their bosses. As a result, they’re not entitled to the same benefits as an employee, such as car insurance.

If Your Delivery Partner Offers Insurance, It’s Probably Not Enough

If you’re a delivery driver, you need to check with your app partner about insurance coverage. Some companies, such as Amazon and Door Dash, will offer an excess range if you are in an accident with damages exceeding your policy limit. However, you are required to have a personal policy first. Others, like GrubHub, need you to have your policy and offer zero coverage.

Coverage You Should Have

Some insurance companies will insist you get a commercial auto policy for using your car as a work vehicle. Business use has risks that aren’t usually faced by personal service. Even if you aren’t required to get commercial insurance, you might need added coverage for your existing policy. Some companies even offer a particular type of insurance just for delivery drivers.

Bottom Line

Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for insurance. Your specific needs will determine what kind of coverage you need. Ask your Idaho Falls, ID agent at Insure It All for more information.

How to Get The Most out of Your Auto Insurance

If you live in Idaho Falls, ID, you understand that auto insurance is a must, but do you know how you can get the most out of your auto insurance coverage? If not, don’t scratch your head wondering where to start. Insure It All is here to help you harness the power of your car insurance. 

Here are the tips.

Understand your auto insurance policy carefully

You can’t get the most of your auto insurance until you understand the nitty-gritty of your auto policy. Unfortunately, most motorists are quick to sign the policy without understanding what it contains. Before signing that policy, understand what it covers and what it doesn’t. If there are clauses you are unsure of, your insurance agent should help you dissect your auto insurance policy.

Choosing a dependable insurance agent

An insurance agent is a life partner for your business. They act as your financial advisor, help you analyze your risk profile, and assist you in choosing coverages. Getting it right with your insurance agent is the first step to getting the most of your auto insurance. 

Review your auto insurance annually

It’s essential to update your auto insurance to ensure that your current needs are covered. Reviewing your auto insurance ensures that you aren’t underpaying or overpaying your premiums. Besides, it deters you from incurring out-of-pocket expenses when disasters strike.

Just like car maintenance isn’t a “set and forget" thing, the same should go to your car insurance. Review it often to ensure that it protects your current circumstances. 

Do your homework

When shopping for auto insurance, do due diligence by making comparisons across different carriers. Compare features like reliability, costs, and so forth. Besides, consider customer online reviews and family and friends feedback when narrowing down to the companies of interest. 

Car insurance in Idaho Falls, ID

Are you looking for a dependable auto insurance agent in Idaho Falls, ID? If yes, you can trust Insure It All for all your auto insurance solutions. Contact us today for a partnership.

Main Questions To Ask An Agent When Shopping For Auto Insurance

When it comes to choosing auto insurance, it might be a hard decision, whether you live in Idaho Falls, ID or any other part of the country. However, if you have the right information, it is much easier to find a perfect plan. Remember that an insurance agent is the best source of information. Asking these few questions before you buy a car policy will help you to get the protection you need. 

What Is Covered If I Get Involved in A Car Accident And My Car Is Damaged?

One of the most popular misconceptions is that car insurance will automatically cover everything, including the repairs, replacement of a car if needed, towing fees, and others. However, the reality is that without a proper insurance plan, you may not have these benefits. Make sure you discuss this with an insurance agent and find out whether optional coverages are available. 

What Will I Have To Pay Out-of-pocket If An Accident Happens?

The amount that you will have to pay out-of-pocket depends on the type of coverage you have and deductibles. If you want to have lower monthly premiums, for example, you can pick the plan with higher deductibles. However, it means that your out-of-pocket expenses in case of an accident will be higher. Do not forget to talk about it with an insurance agent, who will help you to make the right choice.

What Is Covered If Someone Is Injured Or Dies In An Accident? 

The part of auto insurance that provides compensation for injuries to others involved in an accident is called bodily injury liability. It covers medical and hospital bills, legal fees, lost wages, rehabilitation, and other expenses. Though bodily injury liability is a requirement in most states, its minimum level of coverage may not provide adequate protection. Ask your insurance agent about bodily injury liability and the limits your policy has. 

Asking an insurance agent questions about auto insurance before purchasing a certain plan is the best thing you can do. If you are searching for a car insurance plan and need more information, experienced agents from Insure It All serving Idaho Falls, ID are ready to assist you. Give Insure It All a call today to find out what the options are available and how your vehicle can be protected. 

Teen Drivers and Auto Insurance

Most teens can’t wait for the freedom that a driver’s license represents.  Most parents, though, groan with anxiety.  While this may be a reasonable reaction, young drivers still need insurance coverage if they are going to drive.  The problem is that teens, on average, have a higher ticket rate and are more prone to accidents.  This makes them expensive to insure.  Parents facing high premiums can heave a sigh of relief because there are things that can be done to lower premiums.  At Insure It All, our agents work with parents and teen driver in the Idaho Falls, ID area.  So that can work to keep both the teen and Mom and Dad happy.

While a sports car is alluring, it’s best if the new driver starts out on something less flashy.  While this may not be their style, it is much easier to insure them in a less showy vehicle.  The next step is to enroll them in a driving school.  Talk with your agent as this may give a discount.  Next, find out if the young driver can be included on their parents existing policy.  If you are divorced, discuss whose policy the teen will be enrolled in.  From the beginning of this process, involve the teen driver so that they understand how insurance works and how important it is to keep a clean driving record. 

Your agent will be able to talk to you about any good student discounts that may be available.  Parental monitoring tools may also provide further discounts.  This alerts parents to reckless driving behaviors such as sudden hard braking or speeding.  

At Insure It All, the agents understand the needs of teens and their parents in the Idaho Falls, ID area.  Visit the website for tools and information then come into their offices.  They know how to keep teens covered!

Factoring in Insurance When Purchasing a New Car

If you are like most people you are on a budget. That budget is important in all of your minor and major life purchases. A vehicle is definitely a major life purchase. If you are looking purchase a new vehicle there is more to consider than just the sticker price at the dealership. Your insurance premium will be a major part of your overall vehicle cost. Here are a few things to consider. 

The Age of the Vehicle

The age of the vehicle will have a huge impact on the insurance rates. If you are looking to buy a brand new car, then you are going to pay more in insurance premiums. Used, even slightly used vehicles will have drastically cheaper insurance rates. This is one reason buying a used car is usually a better option for your budget. 

The Type of Vehicle

Different types of vehicles will require different rates of insurance. For instance, a sports car will not have the same insurance rates as a minivan. You will want to do your homework ahead of time to make sure you can afford the insurance on the type of vehicle you are considering. Getting surprised after purchasing your vehicle is not a good feeling. Prepare yourself ahead of time with the information you need. 

Overall Price

The cost of your vehicle will be the car payment, plus insurance. Many dealerships also offer gap insurance which will cover any remaining costs should the something happen to the car and your insurance does not cover the full amount of what you owe on the car. Gap insurance is a smart investment if you will be financing your vehicle. Looking at the overall price before purchasing your vehicle will help you make a better-informed decision. 

If you would like to learn more about having insurance placed on a new vehicle contact us at Insure It All serving Ammon ID.


How To File A Basic Claim

Auto insurance is confusing no matter who you are or how well versed you are on the subject. You can have all your information laid out, but without having a plan, filing even the most basic claims can be difficult. For those that live in the Ammon, ID area, the agents with Insure It All can help you file every claim you have no matter how simple or complex.

The first step to every claim is to assess the damage. If you have called the police, odds are they will take photos of the accident and will help you file a police report so that you can document what happened. They will also help you get to the hospital if you need it and there you will fill out forms and information that you can use to start the claims process.

The second step after you have filed a police report and have been treated medically is to take the time to call your agent. Your agent will help you fill out the necessary paperwork and schedule the consultations that you need to get your claim processed and on the road to being paid out. Your agent will help you fill out the forms and schedule the meetings with adjusters to start the repair process.

You will then need to wait for the claim to process and for your car to be repaired or replaced so that you can get back to living. Filing a claim does not have to be difficult. If you live in the Ammon, ID area, the agents with Insure It All can help you file and complete your claims so that you can get back to living your life without worrying about your auto claims. For any other insurance questions, reach out to us by phone or stop by our office to talk with an agent.

Does Your Auto Policy Cover the Costs of the Other Driver

For most that hold an auto insurance policy, there are hundreds of questions that you want to ask. One that is often asked is does your auto policy cover the costs of the other driver. For those in the Ammon, ID area, the agents with Insure It All can look at your current policy and tell you specifically what it covers.

In all cases, drivers are required to hold what is referred to as a liability policy. This means that you have to have some sort of coverage to help cover the costs of the other driver. This liability sum or amount varies from state to state in regards to what you are required to carry. One state might require that you hold a certain amount of coverage on the other driver which means that your policy will pay toward the costs of the other drivers. Another state may require more or less liability coverage.

For those that hold a full coverage policy, your insurance is likely going to pay much more on the costs of the other driver. There is often a cap on how much your insurance will pay but it could be into the hundreds of thousands depending on how severe the accident is. Even liability policies are going to cover at least a portion of the costs of the other driver. This is why liability insurance is required as a minimum for drivers in every state in the United States.

You can always add more coverage for yourself and other drivers. You can even add extra coverage for the occupants and passengers of your vehicle. If you live in the Ammon, ID area, the agents with Insure It All can explain what your policy covers for all drivers involved.

Finding a Used Car at the Best Value

Insure It All in Ammon, ID  understands that finding the right car for your family is vital considering the precious cargo it’s going to haul. You need something safe that fits your needs. You also need to make sure that it’s reliable.

1. Decide What You Need

Determining your needs is the first steps to purchasing a new used family car. It’s easy to go to the lot and forget about what you actually need when you find a car for cheaper than you originally expected to pay.

2. Shop Around

Take a look at lots and ads private sellers have running. Look at the vehicles that match your needs and price range. Take them for test drives, look under the hood and ask questions. Request information regarding the maintenance done on them throughout the years.

3. Take Notes

Once you find an automobile that seems like one that fits your needs, take notes regarding anything wrong with it and make a rough estimate in your head of what the cost of the repairs will be. This is one time when you’ll benefit from bringing your phone because you’ll be able to look up prices to repair parts. Keep in mind that if you can repair it yourself and/or find used parts, you’ll save money.

4. Negotiate

Don’t let the asking price be a definite decision regarding what you pay. Bring up the negative aspects of the car and ask if there’s any way to get a reduced price or have the issues repaired. You could even go as far as to say you only have so much money to put down on the car and see if the person is ready to go lower.

After you select the car that’s in your budget and meets your needs, you’ll need to purchase insurance. You may even want to contact an insurance company prior to purchasing, so you know how much you can expect to pay. Contact Insure It All in Ammon, ID today to request a quote.